It has been a tough week, month, almost-a-year.
The “why” doesn’t matter as much as the “then what”. What mattered was that I regularly questioned whether there was lightness in my life, whether anything could make me screechy-level happy, as was common during a point of time in my life that I still remember.
One thing I managed to do is to notice – and even if not always screechy-level, there were definitely wide grin-level, and beaming-level, happy moments.
Here’s a few of those from recent times.
Watching this green creep up from the dead brown of winter. A sight that never ceases to amaze. Life has seasons, it reminds me. Winter, spring, summer.

These records from the bff which reminded me that music is still a powerful force of joy in my life.

These two eggs laid by a pigeon after VK and I stopped resisting its attempts to build a nest in our balcony. We now watch the pigeon incubate them. Images clicked by VK.

Slowly learning to play this plucking pattern on the ukulele. An interesting challenge. A slow, with-errors (gasp!) audio, presented publicly, in this age of only near-perfect photos/videos/music being posted online. If you’re patient enough to get to the end, you’ll also hear me sing a few lines.
This journal from another bestie that arrived as I’ve been wondering how to make sense of the tough week-month-almost-a-year.

Just seeing this burst of red against almost-blue Delhi skies.